Annual Licensing Subscriptions

Introducing Annual Licensing Subscriptions: a yearly subscription that grants the use of any piece in our music library, as often as needed, throughout the subscription period. Use the “Licensing Form” in your account whenever you require a license, and it will be emailed to you instantly.

Step 1. Create an Account.
Step 2. Log in.
Step 3. Subscribe to your category below.

Choreographer/Dance Film Maker - $150

Dance Program 1 (Up to 5 Faculty and 15 Students) - $250

Dance Program 2 (Up to 15 Faculty and 75 Students) - $500

Dance Program 3 (More than 15 Faculty and 75 Students) - $750


Who is this for? University, College, Schools and other Dance Programs K-12, Choreographers, Dance Filmmakers and Dance Companies worldwide! Subscribers can use any piece of music, as many times as needed, throughout the year for performances, videos, social media posts and many other use cases. This is specifically beneficial to those in our movement community that need access to a large library music made for dance, at a low cost.

How does it work? First create an account, Login and the purchase your subscription. Each time you need a license for a showing or performance, fill out the simple "Licensing Form" located directly on your Account page. When the form is submitted, the license is instantly emailed to you. You can save and share the license as needed for your records, and with venues that require proof of licensed music.

How does this subscription differ from other music licensing services? There are more and more "boutique" licensing companies these days. Primarily to get away from the larger companies requiring hirer fees. Sound for Movement is a bespoke music catalogue made for dance.

Other websites offer similar licensing subscriptions with prices ranging from $200-$500 and above for single user access per year. The majority of the music on these sites is created for film/tv/sound effects, and although super high quality, not made specifically with dancers, dance teachers, choreographers, screendance and dance filmmakers, and dance companies in mind.

What does the subscription cover? Exactly like our single use "Limited License", it covers all live performances, screen dance showings, social media posts, website and several other unique to dance use cases. What is unique is that this licensing subscription covers use of the music you need for as long as your subscription stays active!
What doesn't the subscription cover? The subscription does not cover any licenses beyond the subscription period. (If you need a license in perpetuity, you can purchase an "Extended License" from the music library.) The subscription does not cover any music not found on this website (

Can I license any music with this subscription? No, this subscription only covers music found on this website (

This seems too simple. Why isn't it as complicated as other music licensing? After over 30 years working with dancers and choreographers, I know one major hurdle in our community is being able to license music quickly and easily. There are many music licensing services being created for specific use cases. Sound for Movement is the first specifically created for dance. A one time payment for the year is way easier to track than negotiating licensing for every performance or showing.